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CODEstantine Careers is a place where developers have the opportunity to discover new and on-going tech career opportunities!
PHP | Java Script | HTML5
CSS3 | Java Script | HTML5
JavaScript | HTML5 | Canvas | ES5 | WebAssembly
JavaScript | MySQL | HTML, CSS | NodeJS / PHP / Java
Python | Pytest | Git | SQL DB |Flask
React.js | Python | Flask | Django
Kubernetes | GitOps | Docker | Helm | AWS/GCP/Azure | Linux | Go | Python | Bash
iOS | Xcode IDE | Swift | SwiftUI | Java/Kotlin
DevOps | MLOps | APIs | REST | Docker | Kubernetes | Terraform | Azure | AWS | Python | CI/CD | GitHub | Jenkins
RESTful APIs | NodeJS | TypeScript | Java | Python
DevOps | Office | Data | .NET | Java | Frontend
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