

Age of Multi-Framework Frontends

Marko Arsić

Independent Tech Consultant at HypeTech

About Marko

A polyglot developer deeply interested in high performance, software architecture and solving complex problems. I like to say that my expertise is based on a combination of two things – a deep understanding of technology and experience on how it works in reality. As an Independent Tech Consultant I’m helping companies setup dev teams and standardize development process. Coding, learning, & leveling up one day at a time.

Talk Description

Multi-framework Frontend allows developers to choose from a variety of frameworks to build web applications, leading to a more flexible and modular approach. This talk explores the benefits and challenges of this approach, including strategies for maintaining code quality and consistency across projects. We’ll discuss how to leverage the strengths of multiple frameworks to create innovative solutions and the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. Learn how to thrive in the Age of Multi-Framework Frontends.

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