
CODEstantine Conferences

Developers meetups | IT experts | New technologies | Real-life experience

What is CODEstantine?

CODEstantine is the largest conference in south-east Serbia for experienced developers. The past online conference made it bigger and gather together developers from the whole Balkan region. Our goal is to share good software development practices, networking among participants, showcasing new, cutting-edge technologies. We offer you experienced speakers, panel discussions, and modern topics in the IT industry.

CODEstantine Conferences

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live conferences
online conferences

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 CODEstantine meetups allow you to enjoy live talks with IT companies’ representatives and speakers, as well as an approach to online gathering rooms.


You can have real-life experience and build a strong network with other participants, organizers, or hosts.


Highly experienced developers, successful speakers, well-known IT companies. New information, spreading knowledge. Convince yourself!

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Meeting experts in the tech industry

august 18 @4PM

Waldo Grunenwald

Tech Evangelist for Datadog


Breaking Down Monoliths

It might seem like Datadog is a young pup born into microservices. However, like many organizations we started with larger code bases and VMs. Scaling the company while building a system that handles trillions of data points every day required a shift in how we work and the tools we use.

In this session, I’ll share tips for how to break apart your monoliths and large code bases into faster, loosely-coupled services. I’ll give advice for managing your services and troubleshooting issues in a microservice environment. And more importantly, I’ll share strategies for getting buy-in and alignment across your organization.

It’s free for now!

august 11 @5PM

Larry Garfield

Staff Engineer for TYPO3

Sponsored by


Exploring PHP 8.0

PHP’s latest major release is a truly major release! (And tautologies are tautologies.) With more ease-of-use functionality than you can shake a stick at, PHP 8.0 promises to offer more power in less code than any PHP version to date.

Covering the whole of PHP 8.0’s improvements would take a whole book (and has), but we can cover the major features in an hour. Expect code that is easier to write, easier to read, and more flexible than ever before in the web’s premiere server-side language.

If after this talk you aren’t itching to move your code to PHP 8.0, you’re either asleep or not a PHP developer (so why are you here?)

It’s free for now!


Rene Enriquez

Senior Backend Engineer at Clevertech


How to Make a Smooth Transition From Java/JEE to Node JS

Java was a quite popular programming language that is becoming less and less popular because of modern programming languages that offer benefits like avoid compiling the code which increase the development speed by a lot in large projects, cheaper platforms to deploy applications, reduced learning curve, simpler architecture models and a bigger ecosystem that developers can take advantage of to develop new products.
No doubt that JavaScript in conjunction with Node JS is one of the strongest options in this field, in this talk, I am going to show how to move from a Java/JEE ecosystem to Node JS and how to make this transition smooth. I will share all the experience during my journey of 10+ years of experience as Java developer/lead/architect to become a successful JavaScript backend expert.

It’s free for now!

JULY 23 @7:30PM

Saša Petrović

ReactJS developer at Product Hive


Thinking in React

Currently, there are 35k job listings on Linkedin only for ReactJS Developers, which puts it at the 1st place of the most wanted JS positions.
Wonder why’s that? Because React simply rocks :the_horns:

This meetup is a gathering of all the React experts & fans. Sasa Petrovic, a React developer at Product Hive, will tell you about his experience in ReactJS & React Native and how did it become such a popular JS framework…

You’ll hear more about:

– React Native and Expo, where they are now and in which direction are they headed
– Component Driven Development and applications that can make your development process super smooth
– TailwindCSS and TailwindUI
– GitKraken tips & tricks on deployment and release management

PS: The first beer’s on us! :beers:

It’s free!

JULY 07 @5PM

Andrei Pfeiffer

Eclectic Code Designer


Isolated Components Driven Development

This talk describes the challenges of developing UIs that are integrated with complex external APIs. Using tools such as React Styleguidist or Storybook eliminate the need for an integration, enabling us to develop components in isolation, outside our application. This technique enables us more flexibility during development and debugging, while also providing a living documentation for our UI components.

It’s free for now!

JULY 23 @7:30PM

Saša Petrović

ReactJS developer at Product Hive


Thinking in React

Currently, there are 35k job listings on Linkedin only for ReactJS Developers, which puts it at the 1st place of the most wanted JS positions.
Wonder why’s that? Because React simply rocks :the_horns:

This meetup is a gathering of all the React experts & fans. Sasa Petrovic, a React developer at Product Hive, will tell you about his experience in ReactJS & React Native and how did it become such a popular JS framework…

You’ll hear more about:

– React Native and Expo, where they are now and in which direction are they headed
– Component Driven Development and applications that can make your development process super smooth
– TailwindCSS and TailwindUI
– GitKraken tips & tricks on deployment and release management

PS: The first beer’s on us! :beers:

It’s free!

MAY 10 @6PM

Frank Wang

Founder & CTO @ Anomaly Innovations


How to Build a Complete Serverless App on AWS Using SST

The talk will feature a live demo of how to build a complete serverless app on AWS using the latest serverless technologies. The infrastructure in the app will be defined using CDK. While the Lambdas will be built and tested using SST’s Live Lambda Development environment.

It’s free for now!

MAY 19 @6PM

Ljubica Lazarević

Developers Relations Advocate at Neo4j


Hands-On Intro to Neo4j

In this workshop we will: Introduce you to graph databases Cover approaches for identifying graph-shaped problems What options are available to get started querying within minutes We’ll also cover what resources are available, and how to continue your graph journey.

It’s free for now!

JUNE 02 @4PM

Nicolas Frankel

Software Developer at Hazelcast


A Guided Tour of Caching Patterns

When your application starts slowing down, the reason is probably a bottleneck somewhere in the execution chain. Sometimes, this bottleneck is due to a bug. Sometimes, somebody didn’t set up the optimal configuration. And sometimes, the process of fetching the data is the bottleneck.One option would be to change your whole architecture. Before moving to such a drastic, and probably expensive measure, one can consider a trade-off: instead of getting remote data every time, you can store the data locally after the first read. This talk focuses on options available regarding those interactions.

It’s free for now!

JUNE 16 @5PM

Stephanie Wang

Senior Developer Relations Engineer at Google


Deep Dive on Time Series Forecasting and Anomaly Detection With BigQuery ML

Time series forecasting is a powerful way to use current or historical data to monitor, clarify, and predict “cause and effect” behaviors which can better inform future decisions. Anomaly detection for a time series can detect critical incidents such as fraudulent behaviors or potential opportunities such as changes in consumer buying patterns. Join this talk, to see the newest features in BigQuery ML in action and simplify your workflow in time forecasting and anomaly detection.

It’s free for now!

JUNE 16 @5PM

Polong Lin

Developer Advocate, BigQuery ML at Google


Deep Dive on Time Series Forecasting and Anomaly Detection With BigQuery ML

Time series forecasting is a powerful way to use current or historical data to monitor, clarify, and predict “cause and effect” behaviors which can better inform future decisions. Anomaly detection for a time series can detect critical incidents such as fraudulent behaviors or potential opportunities such as changes in consumer buying patterns. Join this talk, to see the newest features in BigQuery ML in action and simplify your workflow in time forecasting and anomaly detection.

It’s free for now!

JUNE 23 @4PM

Michael Dowden

CEO at AndromedaGS


Playing with Fire : Build a Web Application with Firebase

Come see how easy it can be to use Google Firebase to take your app idea from concept to production. In this session, we will build a messaging application together showing all the steps required to launch a new serverless web application with Firebase. While we build this web app you will learn about many Firebase features, including: database, cloud functions, cloud storage, hosting, authentication, security rules, client and admin SDK. If you have a Google account you will be able to participate in the interactive demo.

It’s free for now!

JUNE 30 @5PM

Jason Yee

Advocasy at Gremlininc


End-to-end Incident Analysis

As software systems become more distributed and complex, failure is inevitable. But catastrophic bugs and system outages can be excellent learning opportunities to build more resilient applications. This session will provide methods and techniques for gathering information and effectively using that information to avoid and mitigate failure in the future.
I’ll cover best practices for gathering systems-related data, including monitoring and logging. This session will also cover practices for gathering and recording people-related data; including methods we can adopt from police, accident investigators, and other safety management professions to learn the most from incidents.
After discussing how to gather data, I’ll discuss how we can use the data to formulate actionable response plan, how to validate your plan with Chaos Engineering, and how to adjust existing organizational practices to avoid repeating failure.

It’s free for now!

JULY 14 @5PM

William Mendes

Senior Infrastructure Engineer @ Farfetch


Application Performance Management - Getting the most out of APM tools

This talk describes the challenges of developing UIs that are integrated with complex external APIs. Using tools such as React Styleguidist or Storybook eliminate the need for an integration, enabling us to develop components in isolation, outside our application. This technique enables us more flexibility during development and debugging, while also providing a living documentation for our UI components.

It’s free for now!


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CODEstantine 6 | Preregister

Integrating Automated Testing into DevOps and Agile - Luxoft Meetup | Registrations

Nikola Crnogorac - Vicert | Registrations

Junior Corner