

Blockchain Development Is Tricky. Explaining Why It Is Tricky Is Tricky. Here’s Why.

Branislav Milojković

Tech Talent Development at Tenderly

About Branislav

Branislav started his career in 2009 by working in several cutting-edge startups. Since then, he has spent his time mostly in academia sharing his vast knowledge, with a focus on making difficult tech topics as accessible as possible. He has taught distributed systems, OS internals, software testing, and entry-level programming courses. He is currently employed @ Tenderly in the role of Tech Talent Development. He is pushing the boundaries of L&D for all Tenderly engineers and spreading some of that knowledge to the larger developer community.

Talk Description

If you have ever read an article on the blockchain you have probably noticed that it can be a difficult field to get into. Understanding the issues that blockchain developers face is a whole other bag of scary. We will try to tackle this topic by looking at some fundamental elements of blockchain systems and using them to shine a light on some difficulties that developers regularly face. At Tenderly we are faced with the uncommon challenge of onboarding developers and non-developers alike simply because our product is in a high-tech field. We will reveal how we approach that challenge, and talk a lot about nitty-gritty blockchain stuff along the way.

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